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Glenview State Testing Dates

News & Announcements

Explore career clusters

Career Highlight

Each month we highlight a different career cluster for students. Check out our Career Connections posters to learn more!
Access testing February 11-26

Access Testing

Students in MLP (Multilingual Learner Program) will take the Access test between February 11th and 26th. We're proud of how much these students have achieved!
Be EPIC Today - Effort, Prepared, Integrity, Compassion

EPIC Students

We are looking for EPIC students! Our "Sting Stamp Program" is a character development program in which students earn stamps for their EPIC behavior (Effort, Prepared, Integrity, Compassion).
Hold onto every best moment. Buy your yearbook.

GMS 2024-2025 School Yearbook

You can use the link to order your Glenview Yearbook, created by our 8th grade yearbook students. Early Bird Yearbooks are $40 to order until January 1. Afterwards the cost will rise to $45.
PTO Membership

Glenview PTO Membership!

Beat the lines at back-to-school registration, access your student schedule early, and help financially support Glenview in three easy steps!
